Cuvinte Romana Engleza Dictionar
In acest dictionar roman englez gasiti o lista de aprox. 1000 de cuvinte uzuale in romana traduse in limba engleza, fiecare cuvant are traducerea principala si sfaturi de pronuntie scrisa. Cuvintele sunt asezate in ordine alfabetica. Cu ajutorul acestui mic dictionar roman englez va puteti exersa pronuntia cuvintelor si sa descoperiti cuvinte noi folositoare.
Romana - Engleza (Pronuntia)
abonament - subscription (sub-scrip-şăn)
abonat - subscriber (sub-scrai-băr)
abur - steam (stim)
ac - needle (ni-dăl)
acasa - (at) home (hom)
accent - accent / emphasis (ac-sănt / em-fă-sis)
(a) accepta - (to) accept (ăc-sept)
accident - accident (ac-si-dent)
acolo - there (der)
acoperis - roof (ruf)
actiune - action (ac-şăn)
(a) activa - (to) activate (acti-veit)
actor - actor (aac-tăr)
acum - now (neau)
(a) acuza - (to) charge / accuse (ciargi / ăchiuz)
adanc - deep (dip)
(a) adauga - (to) add (aad)
adecvat - appropriate (ăpro-priet)
adevar - truth (trut)
(a) aduce - (to) bring (bring)
(a) aduna - (to) gather / collect (ghe-dar / colect)
adversar - adversary / opponent (ăd-ver-sări / o-po-nănt)
aer - air (er)
aeroport - airport (er-port)
afacere - business (bis-nis)
afara - out / outside (aut / aut-said)
afirmatie - statement (steit-mănt)
(a) agata - (to) hang (heng)
agitat - nervous (ner-văs)
aglomerat - crowded (crau-ded)
aici - here (hir)
ajutor / (a) ajuta - help (help)
alb - white (uait)
albastru - blue (blu)
albina - bee (bi)
(a) alerga - (to) run (ran)
alergic - allergic (ă-lăr-gic)
alimentatie - nutrition / food (nu-tri-şăn / fud)
(a) alinta / alintat(a) - (to) pamper / spoiled (pam-pă / spoild)
altitudine - altitude (alti-tiud)
(a) aluneca - (to) slide (slaid)
ambitie - ambition (am-bi-şăn)
amenda - fine (fain)
amintire - memory (me-mă-ri)
(a) amuza - (to) amuse (amiuz)
(a) analiza - (to) analyze (ănă-laiz)
(a) antrena - (to) coach / train (coci / trein)
(a) anula - (to) cancel (chean-săl)
apa - water (uatăr)
(a) apara - (to) defend (dă-fend)
aparat - device (di-vais)
apartament - flat / apartment (fleat / ă-part-mănt)
(a) aprinde - (to) light (lait)
(a) arde - (to) burn (bărn)
ardei - pepper (pe-păr)
argint - silver (sil-văr)
aripa - wing (uing)
arma - weapon (ue-păn)
armata - army (armi)
(a) arunca - (to) throw (trou)
(a) ascunde - (to) hide (haid)
aspirator - vacuum cleaner (vea-chium cli-năr)
astazi / azi - today (tu-dei)
(a) astepta - (to) wait / expect (ueit / ecs-pect)
atac / (a) ataca - attack (ăteac)
atelier - workshop (uărc-şop)
atentie - attention (şten-şăn)
(a) atinge - (to) touch (ta-ci)
atitudine - attitude (ati-tiud)
august - August (ogăst)
aur - gold (gold)
auz / (a) auzi - hearing / (to) hear (hiring / hir)
avans - advance (ăd-veans)
(a) avea - (to) have (heav)
avere - wealth (uelt)
avion - airplane (er-plain)
avocat - lawyer (loi-ăr)
bagaj - luggage (la-ghe-gi)
baiat - boy (boi)
baie - bathroom (beat-rum)
balanta - balance (bea-lăns)
balcon - balcony (balconi)
balena - whale (uel)
bani - money (mani)
banca - bank (beanc)
bancher - banker (bean-cher)
bancnota - bill (bil)
bancomat - ATM / cash machine (ei-ti-em / cheaş maşin)
banda - band (beand)
bandaj - bandage (beandăgi)
barba - beard (bird)
barbat - man (mean)
barca - boat (bout)
barfa - gossip (gosip)
barza - stork (storc)
baston - stick (stic)
batista - handkerchief (heand-căr-cif)
batran - old (old)
bautura - drink (drinc)
baza - basic (bei-sic)
(a) bea - (to) drink (drinc)
bec - bulb / light bulb (bălb / lait bălb)
benzina - gasoline (ghea-so-lin)
benzinarie - gas station (gheas stei-şăn)
biberon - baby bottle (beibi batăl)
Biblie - Bible (bai-băl)
bicicleta - bike / bicycle (baic / bai-si-căl)
bijuterie - jewel (giuăl)
bine - good (gud)
biologie - biology (bai-o-lo-gi)
birou - office (ofis)
biscuit - cookie (cuchi)
biserica - church (ciărci)
blana - fur (făr)
bland - gentle (gen-tăl)
blestem - curse (cărs)
bloc - block / building (blac / bil-ding)
bogat - rich / wealthy (rici / uelti)
borcan - jar (giar)
botez - baptism / christening (beap-tism / crist-ning)
brad - fir (tree) / Christmas tree (fee / crist-măs tri)
bratara - bracelet (breis-let)
bricheta - lighter (lai-tăr)
broasca - frog (frog)
bucatar - cook / chef (cuc / şef)
bucatarie - kitchen (chi-cen)
bucuros - glad (glead)
bumbac - cotton (catăn)
bunic - grandfather / grandparent (greand-fadăr / greand-pea-rănt)
burta - belly (beli)
buton - button (ba-tăn)
buza - lip (lip)
buzunar - pocket (poa-chet)
cada - bathtub / tub (beat-tab / tab)
cadou - gift (ghift)
caiet - notebook (not-buc)
caine - dog (dog)
cal - horse (hors)
calcai - heel (hil)
cald - hot (hat)
calm - calm (calm)
camasa - shirt (şărt)
camera - room (rum)
camion - truck (trac)
camp(ie) - field (fild)
cana - cup (cap)
canapea - sofa (sofa)
(a) canta / cantec - (to) sing / song (sing / song)
cantar - scale (scheil)
cap - head (hed)
capabil - able (ei-băl)
capac - lid (lid)
capat - end (end)
capcana - trap (treap)
capitala - capital (chea-pi-tăl)
capota - hood (hud)
caramida - brick (bric)
care - which (ui-ci)
carne - meat (mit)
caroserie - car body (car badi)
cartof - potato (po-tei-to)
carton - cardboard (card-bord)
caruta - wagon (ua-gon)
casa - home (hom)
casca / (a) casca - helmet / (to) yawn (helmet / io-on)
cascada - waterfall (uatăr-făl)
(a) castiga - (to) win (uin)
castravete - cucumber (chiu-cam-băr)
(a) cauta - (to) search (serci)
ceai - tea (ti)
ceapa - onion (aniăn)
cearta - fight (fait)
ceas - watch (uaci)
ceata - fog (fog)
centura - belt (belt)
cer - sky / heaven (scai / he-văn)
cercel - earring (ir-ring)
(a) cere - (to) ask (asc)
(a) cheltui - (to) spend (spend)
chirias - tenant (te-nănt)
chirie - rent (rent)
chitara - guitar (ghi-tar)
chiuveta - sink (sinc)
cimitir - graveyard (greiv-iard)
cinci - five (faiv)
ciuperca - mushroom (maş-rum)
cizme - boots (buţ)
colaborare - collaboration (co-la-bo-rei-şăn)
coleg - colleague (colig)
colt - corner (cor-năr)
comoara - treasure (tre-jăr)
competent - competent (com-pă-tănt)
compliment - compliment (com-pli-ment)
comportament - behavior (be-heiv-iăr)
compozitie - composition (com-po-zi-şăn)
(a) comunica - (to) communicate (co-miu-ni-cheit)
concept - concept (con-sept)
concluzie - conclusion (con-clu-jăn)
(a) concura - (to) compete (com-pit)
condiment - spice (spais)
(a) conduce - (to) lead (lid)
(a) confrunta - (to) confront (con-frant)
(a) confunda - (to) confuse (con-fiuz)
(a) congela - (to) freeze (friz)
congelator - freezer (frizăr)
continut - content (con-tănt)
copil - child (ci-aild)
cos - basket (beas-chet)
costum - suit (suit)
covor - carpet / rug (car-pet / rag)
cratita - saucepan / pan (sos-pean / pean)
cravata - tie (tai)
creativitate - creativity (crea-ti-vi-ti)
creion - pencil (pen-sil)
cruce - cross (cros)
cui - nail / whose (neil / huz)
cuib - nest (nest)
(a) cunoaste - (to) know (cnou)
cuptor - oven (avăn)
curaj - courage (co-ra-gi)
curat - clean (clin)
curatenie - cleaning (clining)
curcubeu - rainbow (rein-bou)
cutie - box (bocs)
cutremur - earthquake (ert-cueic)
cutit - knife (cnaif)
cuvant - word (uărd)
da / (a) da - yes / (to) give (ies / ghiv)
daca - if (if)
dans(a) - dance (deans)
dar - but (băt)
darnic - generous (ge-ne-răs)
datorie - debt (debt)
dauna - damage (dea-me-gi)
de - of (of)
deal - hill (hil)
deasupra - above (ăbav)
decembrie - December (de-sem-băr)
decizie - decision (de-si-jăn)
(a) deconecta - (to) disconnect (dis-conect)
defect - broken (bro-căn)
deget - finger (fin-găr)
delfin - dolphin (dol-fin)
delicat - delicate (deli-chet)
demisie - resignation (re-zig-nei-şăn)
demn - dignified (dig-ni-faid)
demodat - unfashionable (an-fea-şă-nă-băl)
(a) demonstra - (to) demonstrate (demon-streit)
dentist - dentist (dentist)
deoarece - because (bi-căz)
departe - far (far)
(a) depasi - (to) exceed (ec-sid)
(a) deranja - (to) bother (ba-dăr)
(a) derula - (to) run (ran)
(a) descoperi - (to) discover (dis-ca-văr)
descriere - description (des-crip-şăn)
(a) descuraja - (to) discourage (dis-ca-răgi)
desen / (a) desena - drawing / (to) draw (dro-ing / dro)
desert / desert - dessert / desert (di-zărt / de-zărt)
(a) desparti - (to) separate (se-pa-reit)
destinatar - receiver (ri-sai-văr)
(a) deveni - (to) become (bi-căm)
devreme - early (erli)
(a) dezlipi - (to) unstick (an-stic)
(a) dezmembra - (to) dismember (dis-mem-băr)
(a) dezvolta - (to) develop (develop)
diferenta - difference (dif-răns)
diferit - different (dif-rănt)
dinte - tooth (tut)
direct - direct (dai-rect)
director - director (dai-rectăr)
distanta - distance (dis-tăns)
doar - only (onli)
doctor - doctor (doc-tăr)
document - document (do-chiu-ment)
doi - two (tu)
doisprezece - twelve (tu-elf)
dormitor - bedroom (bead-rum)
dreapta - right (rait)
drept - right / straight (rait / streit)
dulap - closet / wardrobe (clozet / uărd-rob)
duminica - Sunday (san-dei)
dumnezeu - god (gad)
durere - pain (pein)
dus - shower (şauăr)
dusman - enemy (enemi)
ea - she / it (şi / it)
echilibru - balance (bea-lăns)
echipa - team (tim)
echipament - equipment (echip-mănt)
economie - economy / savings (economi / sei-vings)
ecran - screen (scrin)
ecuatie - equation (ecu-ei-şăn)
(a) edita - (to) edit (edit)
educatie - education (edu-chei-şăn)
efect - effect (efect)
eficient - efficient (e-fiş-ănt)
egalitate - equality / tie / draw (e-cua-li-ti / tai / dro)
egoist - selfish / egoistic (sel-fiş / igo-istic)
ei - they (dei)
el - he / it (hi / it)
elastic - elastic / resilient (ă-las-tic / re-zi-lient)
elefant - elephant (ele-fănt)
elegant - elegant / stylish (ele-gănt / stai-liş)
element - element (ele-mănt)
elementar - elementary (ele-mănt-tri)
elev - student (stiu-dănt)
(a) elibera - (to) free / release / liberate (fri / rilis / libă-reit)
elice - propeller (pro-pe-lăr)
elicopter - helicopter (heli-cap-tăr)
eligibil - eligible (ele-gi-băl)
elita - elite (elit)
(a) emigra - (to) emigrate (emi-greit)
emigrant - emigrant (emi-grănt)
emotie - emotion (emo-şăn)
energie - energy / power (enărgi / pauăr)
(a) enerva - (to) irritate (iri-teit)
(a) epuiza - (to) exhaust (ec-zost)
era - era / age (ira / ei-gi)
erou - hero (hiro)
esec - failure (fei-liă)
esenta - essence (esăns)
est - east (ist)
(a) estima - (to) estimate (esti-meit)
etaj - floor / storey (flur / sto-ri)
eticheta - label / tag (lei-băl / tag)
eu - I (ai)
(a) evalua - (to) assess (ăses)
(a) evita - (to) avoid (ăvoid)
(a) evolua - (to) evolve (ivolv)
excursie - trip (trip)
experienta - experience (ecs-pi-riens)
experiment - experiment (ecs-pi-rimănt)
(a) expira - (to) expire (ecs-paiăr)
(a) explica - (to) explain (ecs-plein)
explozie - explosion / blast (ecs-plo-jăn - bleast)
(a) ezita - (to) hesitate (he-zi-teit)
fabrica / fabricat - factory / manufactured (feactori / manu-feac-ciărd)
fabulos - fabulous (fea-biu-los)
(a) face - (to) do / make (do / meic)
factor - factor (feac-tor)
factura - invoice / bill (in-vois / bil)
facultate - graduate school (gra-duet scul)
faina - flour / meal (flauă / mil)
faliment - bankruptcy (beanc-răp-si)
fals - false / counterfeit / fake (fols / caun-tăr-fit / feic)
familie - family (fea-mili)
fantana - fountain / well (faun-tăn / uel)
fantoma - ghost (gost)
fapt - fact / deed (feact / did)
far - lighthouse / headlight (lait-haus / hed-lait)
fara - without (uit-daut)
faras - dustpan (dăst-pean)
farfurie - plate (pleit)
farmacie - pharmacy (far-ma-si)
farmacist - pharmacist (far-ma-sist)
farmec - charm (ciarm
farsa - hoax (hocs)
fasole - beans (binz)
fata / fata - girl / face (gărl / feis)
favoare - favor (fei-văr)
favorit - favorite (fei-vărit)
felie - slice (slais)
femeie - woman (umăn)
fereastra - window (uin-dou)
ferma - farm (farm)
fermier - farmer (farmer)
ficat - liver (li-văr)
fier - iron (airon)
(a) fierbe - (to) boil (boil)
film - movie / film (muvi / film)
filtru - filter (fil-tăr)
fizica - physics (fizics)
fizician - physicist (fizi-sist)
flacara - flame (fleim)
floare - flower (flauăr)
(a) fluiera - (to) whistle (uisăl)
fluture - butterfly (batăr-flai)
foaie - sheet (şit)
foarfece - scissors / shears (si-zărs / şi-ărz)
forma / (a) forma - shape / (to) form (şeip / form)
forta / (a) forta - force / (to) force (fors)
fotografie - photo / photography (foto / foto-grafi)
fotoliu - armchair (arm-cer)
fragment - fragment (freag-mănt)
frana / (a) frana - brake / (to) brake (breic)
frate - brother (bradăr)
frig - cold (cold)
(a) frige - (to) grill / roast (gril / rost)
frigider - fridge / refrigerator (frigi / re-fri-ge-rei-tăr)
fruct - fruit (friut)
frumos - beautiful / nice (biu-ti-făl / nais)
frunte - forehead / head (for-hed / hed)
frunza - leaf (lif)
(a) fugi - (to) run / run away (ran / ran auei)
fulger - lightning (lait-ning)
functie - function (fanc-şăn)
fundatie - foundation (faund-ei-şăn)
furculita - fork (forc)
furnica - ant (eant)
furtuna - storm (storm)
fusta - skirt (scărt)
(a) gadila - (to) tickle (ti-căl)
(a) gafai - (to) pant (peant)
gaina - hen / chicken (hen / ci-căn)
galagie - noise / clamor (noiz / cla-mă)
galben - yellow (ie-lou)
galeata - bucket (bachet)
galerie - gallery (galeri)
gama - range (reingi)
gamba - calf (calf)
gand / (a) gandi - thought / (to) think (tout / finc)
gandac - beetle / bug (bi-tăl /bag)
gara - (train) station (stei-şăn)
garaj - garage (garăgi)
garantat - guaranteed (ga-răn-ti)
garantie - guarantee (ga-răn-ti)
gard - fence (fens)
gardian - guardsman / warder (guardz-măn / uăr-dăr)
garoafa - carnation (car-nei-şăn)
(a) gasi - (to) find (faind)
gat - neck (nec)
gata - ready (redi)
(a) gati - (to) cook (cuc)
gaura - hole (hol)
gaz - gas (geas)
gazda - host (host)
gazon - lawn (loun)
geaca - jacket (gia-chet)
geanta - bag / purse (beag / părs)
gem - jam (geam)
genunchi - knee (cni)
geografie - geography (gio-gra-fi)
ghem - clew / ball (cliu / băl)
ghiozdan - school bag / backpack (scul beag / beac-peac)
gigant / gigantic - giant (gia-ient)
ginere - son in law (san in lou)
glas - voice (vois)
glazura - icing / glaze (ai-sing / gleiz)
glob - globe (glob)
glorie - glory (glori)
gogoasa - donut / doughnut (do-nat)
gradina - garden (gar-dăn)
grafica - graphics (gra-fic)
greu - hard / heavy (hard / hevi)
greutate - weight (ueit)
greva - strike (straic)
gripa - flu (flu)
grup - group (grup)
guler - collar (colar)
gunoi - trash / garbage (treaş / gar-bă-gi)
gura - mouth (maut)
gust / (a) gusta - (to) taste (teist)
guvern - government (ga-văr-ment)
haina - coat (coot)
haios - funny (fa-ni)
hala - hall (hol)
halat - robe (rob)
halba - mug / tankard (mag / tan-ched)
hambar - barn (barn)
haos - chaos (che-ios)
harnic - diligent / hard-working (di-li-gent / hard-uărc-ing)
harta - map (meap)
hartie - paper (pei-păr)
hibernare - hibernation (hai-băr-nei-şăn)
(a) hidrata - (to) moisturize (mois-ciu-raiz)
hiena - hyena (ha-ina)
hingher - dog catcher (dog chea-ciăr)
(a) hipnotiza - (to) hypnotize (hip-no-taiz)
hoinar - wanderer (uan-dă-răr)
hol - hallway / lobby (hol-uei / lobi)
horn - chimney (cim-ni)
horoscop - horoscope (horo-scop)
hot - thief (tif)
hota - extractor hood (ecs-trac-tor hud)
hotarat - decided / determined (di-sai-dăd / de-tăr-mănd)
hotel - hotel (hotel)
hrana / (a) hrani - food / (to) feed (fud / fid)
hranitor - nourishing / nutritious (nă-ră-şing / niu-tri-şăs)
hrean - horseradish (hors-rea-diş)
husa - cover / bag (cavăr / beag)
ianuarie - January (gia-niuă-ri)
iar - and / again (end / ăghen)
iarba - grass (gras)
iarna - winter (uin-tăr)
iaurt - yogurt (io-gurt)
ibric - kettle (che-tăl)
icoana - icon (ai-con)
icre - caviar / roe (caviar / rou)
ideal - ideal (ai-di-ăl)
idee - idea (ai-dia)
identitate - identity (ai-den-ti-ti)
ieftin - cheap / inexpensive (cip / i-necs-spen-siv)
iepure - rabbit (rea-bit)
ieri - yesterday (ies-tăr-dei)
iertare / (a) ierta - forgiveness / (to) forgive (for-ghiv-nes / for-ghiv)
igiena - hygiene (hai-gin)
ilegal - illegal / unlawful (eli-găl / an-lou-făl)
imaginatie - imagination (i-ma-gi-nei-şăn)
imagine - image / picture (imăgi / pic-ciăr)
imatur - immature (i-mă-ciăr)
imbatabil - unbeatable / invincible (an-bi-tă-băl / in-vin-si-băl)
imbatat - drunk (dranc)
(a) imbraca - (to) wear (uer)
imbracaminte - clothing (clo-ting)
(a) imbratisa - (to) embrace / hug (im-breis / hag)
imediat - right away / immediately (ruait auei / imi-diăt-li)
imens - huge / immense (hiugi / imens)
(a) imigra - (to) immigrate (imi-greit)
imigrant - immigrant (imi-grănt)
(a) impacheta - (to) pack / wrap (peac / reap)
impachetat - packed (peact)
(a) impusca - (to) shoot (şut)
in - in (in)
inamic - enemy (ene-mi)
(a) incalta - (to) shoe / put on (şu / put on)
incaltaminte - footwear (fu-ut-uer)
(a) incepe - (to) start / begin / kick off (start / beghin / chic of)
(a) inchide - (to) close / shut down (cloz / şat daun)
(a) inchiria - (to) rent / lease (rent / liz)
incorect - incorrect / wrong (in-corect / rong)
inel - ring (ring)
inger - angel (ein-gel)
inghet - frost (frost)
(a) ingheta - (to) freeze / ice (friz / ais)
inghetata - ice / ice cream (ais / ais crim)
(a) inghiti - (to) swallow (sua-lou)
(a) ingrijora - (to) worry (uorii)
ingrijorat - concerned (con-sărn)
(a) ingropa - (to) bury (bări)
inima - heart (hart)
injectie - injection (in-gec-şăn)
(a) inmulti - (to) multiply (multi-plai)
(a) intarzia - (to) delay / be late (di-lei / be leit)
intersectie - intersection / crossroad (inter-sec-şăn / cros-rod)
interventie - intervention (inter-ven-şăn)
(a) invata - (to) learn / teach (lărn / ti-ci)
iubire - love (lov)
izvor - natural spring / source (na-ci-răl spring / sors)
jacheta - jacket (gia-chet)
jalnic - pathetic (pa-te-tic)
jaluzea - window blind (uin-dou bla-ind)
janta - rim (rim)
(a) jefui - (to) rob / mug (rob / măg)
jeleu - jelly (geli)
(a) jena - embarrass (em-ba-răs)
jenant - embarrassing (em-ba-ră-sing)
jet - jet (jet)
jeton - token (to-căn)
(a) jigni - (to) offend (ofend)
jignire - offense (ofens)
joc - game (gheim)
joi - Thursday (tărs-dei)
jos - down (daun)
(a) juca - (to) play (plei)
jucarie - toy (toi)
jucator - player (pleiăr)
judecata - trial / judgment (traiăl / giagi-mănt)
judecator - judge (giagi)
jumatate - half (half)
jungla - jungle (gian-găl)
(a) jura - (to) swear (suer)
juridic - juridical (giu-ri-di-căl)
juriu - jury (giu-ri)
jurnal - diary / journal (da-iă-ri / gior-năl)
jurnalist - reporter (ri-por-tăr)
justitie - justice (gias-tăs)
la - at / to (at / to)
labirint - labyrinth / maze (labi-rint / meiz)
laborator - laboratory (la-bo-ra-to-ri)
lac - lake (leic)
lacat - padlock / lock (peadloc / loc)
lacom - greedy (gridi)
lacrimi - tears (tirz)
lada - crate / box (creit / bocs)
lagar - camp (cheamp)
lama - blade (bleid)
lamaie - lemon (le-măn)
lampa - lamp (leamp)
lanterna - flashlight (fleaş-lait)
(a) lamuri - (to) clarify (cleari-fai)
lamurire - explanation (ecs-plă-nei-şăn)
lana - wool (ul)
langa - next / near (necst / nir)
lant - chain (cein)
lapte - milk (milc)
larg - large / wide (largi / uaid)
lateral - side / lateral (said / la-ci-răl)
latime - width (uidt)
latrat / (a) latra - barking / (to) bark (bar-ching / barc)
lauda / (a) lauda - praise / (to) praise / brag (preiz / breag)
leagan - swing (suing)
legenda - legend (le-gend)
leguma - vegetable (ve-gi-tă-băl)
lemn - wood (ud)
leu - lion (lai-ăn)
lichid - liquid / fluid (li-cuid / fliu-id)
liliac - bat (beat)
limba - language / tongue (lean-guă-gi / tang)
limita - limit / boundary (limit / baundări)
linie - line (lain)
lingura / lingurita - spoon / teaspoon (spun / ti-spun)
(a) lipi - (to) stick (stic)
lipicios - sticky (sti-chi)
litera - letter (le-tăr)
localnic - local (lo-căl)
locomotiva - locomotive (lo-co-motiv)
lopata - shovel (şavăl)
lucru / (a) lucra - work / thing / (to) work (uărc / finc)
lumanare - candle (chean-dăl)
lumina - light (lait)
luna - month / moon (mant / mun)
lungime - length (lengt)
luni - Monday (man-dei)
lup - wolf (ulf)
lupta / (a) lupta - fight / battle / (to) struggle (fait / bea-tăl / stra-găl)
machiaj - makeup (meic-up)
magazin - shop / store (şop / stor)
magie - magic (mea-gic)
magnet - magnet (meag-net)
mai - May / more (mei / mor
maimuta - monkey (manchi)
maiou - undershirt / undervest (an-dăr-şărt / an-dăr-vest)
major - major (meiăr)
majorat - coming of age (coming of ei-gi)
majoritate - majority (ma-gio-ri-ti)
majuscula - uppercase / capital letter (apăr-cheis / capital letăr)
mal / mal - shore / mud (şor / mad)
malai - cornmeal / hominy (corn-mil / homini)
maleta - long sleeve T-shirt (long sliv ti-şărt)
mama - mother / parent (ma-dăr / pea-rănt)
mana - hand (heand)
(a) manca - (to) eat (it)
mandarina - tangerine (tan-ge-rin)
mandat - warrant / mandate (uă-rănt / man-deit)
mandibula - mandible / jaw (man-di-băl / joo)
mandrie - pride (praid)
maneca - sleeve (sliv)
manechin - mannequin / dummy (manechin / dami)
maner - handle (hendăl)
maneta - lever (levăr)
manifestant - demonstrator (demon-strei-tăr)
manifestant - manifestant (mani-fes-tănt)
manifestare - manifestation (mani-fes-stei-şăn)
mare - great / big / sea (greit / big / si)
marti - Tuesday (tiuz-dei)
martie - March (marci)
matematica - mathematics (mate-ma-tics)
masina - car / machine (car / maşin)
(a) masura - (to) measure (me-jăr)
matura / (a) matura - broom / (to) sweep / broom (brum / suep)
matusa - aunt (ant)
mazare - pea (pi)
mecanic - mechanic / mechanical (me-ca-nic / me-ca-ni-căl)
medalie - medal (me-dăl)
medic - doctor / physician (doctăr / fi-zi-şăn)
melodie - song / melody (song / melodi)
memorie - memory (memori)
(a) merge - (to) go (go)
metal - metal (me-tăl)
miercuri - Wednesday (uens-dei)
miere - honey (hani)
minciuna - lie (lai)
(a) minti - (to) lie (lai)
morcov - carrot (chea-rot)
munte - mountain (maun-tăn)
muzeu - museum (miu-ziăm)
muzica - music (miu-zic)
naiv - naive (naiv)
namol - mud (măd)
napolitana - wafer (uei-făr)
nas / naş - nose / godfather (noz / gad-fa-dăr)
nasture - button (batăn)
national - national (na-şă-năl)
nativ - native (nativ)
natura - nature (nei-ciă)
natural - natural (nea-ciu-răl)
nava - ship / vessel (şip / vesăl)
neatent - thoughtless / careless (tout-les / cher-les)
neatins - untouched (an-tacid)
nebun - crazy / insane (creizi / in-sein)
necalificat - unqualified / unskilled (an-cuali-faid / an-schild)
necesar - required / needed (ri-cua-ier / nidăd)
necesitate - necessity (ne-se-si-ti)
neclar - hazy (heizi)
neclintit - firm (fărm)
necunoscut - stranger / unknown / unfamiliar (streingi / an-noun)
nedorit - unwanted (an-uan-ted)
nedreptate - injustice (in-gia-stăs)
nefericit - unfortunate / unhappy (an-for-ciu-năt / an-hea-pi)
negociabil - negotiable (ne-go-şi-băl)
negru - black (bleac)
nepot - grandson / nephew (greand-săn / ne-fiiu)
nervos - nervous (ner-văs)
nevasta - wife (uaif)
nimeni - nobody (no-ba-di)
nimic - nothing (na-finc)
nisip - sand (seand)
nivel - level (levăl)
noapte - night (nait)
noi - we (ui)
noiembrie - November (no-vem-băr)
nor - cloud (claud)
nord - north (nort)
normal - normal (nor-măl)
noroi - mud (mad)
nou - new (niu)
noua - nine / new (nain / niu)
nouasprezece - nineteen (nain-tin)
nu - no / not (no / nat)
nuca - walnut (uăl-nat)
(a) numi - (to) name (neim)
oaie - sheep (şip)
oala - pot / saucepan (pat / sos-pean)
oameni - people (pi-păl)
oaspete - guest (ghest)
obez - obese (obiz)
obiect - object (ob-ject)
obiectiv - objective (ob-jec-tiv)
obisnuit - usual (iu-juăl)
obligat - forced (forst)
obligatie - obligation (o-bli-ghei-şăn)
obosit - tired (tai-ărd)
obositor - tiring (tai-ring)
obraz - cheek (cic)
obraznic - naughty (nauti)
observatie - observation / remark (ob-ser-vei-şăn / ri-marc)
obsesie - obsession (ob-sei-şăn)
obstacol - obstacle (ob-sta-căl)
(a) obtine - (to) obtain (ob-tein)
ocazie - occasion (o-chei-jăn)
ocazional - occasionally (o-chei-jănli)
ocean - ocean (oşăn)
ochelari - glasses (glea-sez)
ochi - eyes (aiz)
(a) ocoli - (to) avoid (ăvoid)
octombrie - October (oc-to-băr)
oferta - offer / bid (ofăr / bid)
oglinda - mirror (mi-răr)
om - man (mean)
opera - opera / work (opra / uărc)
opinie - opinion / view (o-pi-niăn / vi-iu)
(a) opri - (to) stop (stap)
opt - eight (eit)
optiune - option (op-şăn)
optsprezece - eighteen (eit-tin)
oras - city / town (siti / taun)
orez - rice (rais)
ornament - ornament (or-nă-ment)
os - bone (bon)
ospatar - waiter (uei-tăr)
otel - steel (stil)
otet - vinegar (vini-găr)
ou - egg (eg)
oxigen - oxygen (ocsi-gen)
pace - peace (pis)
pachet - package (pea-că-gi)
pacient - patient (pei-şănt)
pact - pact (peact)
padure - forest / wood (forest / ud)
pagina - page (peigi)
pahar - glass (gleas)
pai - straw (stro)
paianjen - spider (spai-dăr)
paine - bread (bred)
paisprezece - fourteen (for-tin)
palat - palace (pea-lăs)
paleta - palette / pallet (pea-let / pa-let)
palma - palm / slap (palm / sleap)
palton - coat / overcoat (cot / ovăr-cot)
pamant - earth / ground (ărt / graund)
pana / pana - feather / until (fedăr / an-til)
pane - breaded (bredăd)
panglica - ribbon / tape (ribăn / teip)
panica - panic (pea-nic)
panou - panel (pea-năl)
pansament - bandage (bean-dă-gi)
panta - slope (slop)
pantalon - trousers (trau-zărs)
pantof - shoe (şu)
papagal - parrot (pea-răt)
papion - bow tie (bo tai)
papuc - slipper (sli-păr)
papusa - doll / puppet (dol / pa-pet)
par - hair (her)
para - pear (pir)
parcare / (a) parca - parking / (to) park (parching / parc)
parfum - perfume / fragrance (păr-fium / frei-grăns)
parlament - parliament (par-la-mănt)
pasaport - passport / pass (pas-port / pas)
pasare - bird (bărd)
pasta - paste (peist)
pastila - pill (pil)
pat - bed (bed)
pata - spot / stain (spat / stein)
(a) patina - (to) skate (scheit)
patron - owner / employer (onăr / emploiăr)
patru - four (for)
pedala - pedal (pe-dăl)
peisaj - landscape (leand-scheip)
pensie - pension (pen-şăn)
pensionar - pensioner (pen-şănăr)
pepene - melon (me-lăn)
perie - brush (braş)
(a) permite - (to) allow / afford (ălau / ăford)
peste - fish (fiş)
pestera - cave (cheiv)
pian - piano (piano)
piatra - stone (ston)
picatura - drop (drop)
picior - leg / foot (leg / fu-ut)
(a) picta - (to) paint (peint)
piele - skin / leather (schin / ledăr)
piept - chest (cest)
pieptene - comb (comb)
piersica - peach (pi-ci)
pijama - pajamas (pă-gia-măz)
piper - pepper (pe-pă)
pisica - cat (cheat)
(a) placea - (to) like (laic)
plaja - beach (bi-ci)
plaman - lung (lang)
planta / (a) planta - plant / (to) plant (pleant)
plastic - plastic (pleastic)
(a) pleca - (to) leave / go (liv / go)
ploaie - rain (rein)
poarta - gate (gheit)
pod - bridge (brigi)
politie - police (polis)
pom - tree (tri)
pompier - fireman (fa-iăr-man)
porc - pig / pork (pig / porc)
portocala - orange (orăngi)
portocaliu - orange (orăngi)
portofel - wallet (ualet)
porumbel - pigeon / dove (pigiăn / dav)
poveste - story (stori)
praf - dust / powder (dast / pau-dăr)
(a) praji - (to) fry / toast (frai / tost)
precizie - precision / accuracy (pre-si-jăn / ăchiu-ră-si)
(a) pregati - (to) prepare (pri-per)
prenume - first name / forename (fărst neim / fo-neim)
pret - price (prais)
prezent - present (pre-zănt)
prieten - friend (frend)
primar - mayor / primary (meior / prai-mări)
primarie - town hall / city hall (taun hăl / siti hăl)
primavara - spring (spring)
prin - by / through / via (bai / tru / via)
privire / (a) privi - look / (to) look (luc)
prizonier - prisoner / captive (pri-ză-năr / cheap-tiv)
proaspat - fresh (freş)
problema - problem (pra-blăm)
proces - process / trial (proses / traiăl)
profesie - profession (pro-fe-şăn)
profesor - professor / teacher (pro-fe-săr / ti-ciăr)
(a) promite - (to) promise (proa-mis)
proprietar - owner (onăr)
prosop - towel (tauăl)
prostie - stupidity (stiu-pi-di-ti)
pudra - powder (pau-dăr)
pulover - sweater (sue-dăr)
pumn - fist (fist)
punct - point / spot / dot (poin / spat / dat)
(a) pune - (to) put (put)
(a) purta - (to) wear (uer)
(a) putea - (to) may / can (mei / chen)
rabdare - patience (pei-şăns)
rabdator - patient (pei-şănt)
raceala - coldness (cold-nes)
racheta - rocket / missile (roa-chet / mis-ail)
racire - cool down / cooling (cul daun / culing)
racoare - coolness / cool / cold (culnes / cul / cold)
racoritor - refreshing (ri-freş-ing)
radacina - root (rut)
radar - radar (rei-da)
(a) rade - (to) laugh (laf)
radiera - eraser (irei-zăr)
radio - radio (rei-dio)
radiografie - X-ray / radiography (ics-rei / rei-dio-grafi)
raft - shelf (şelf)
rai - heaven (hevăn)
raion - department / section (de-part-mănt / sec-şăn)
rama - frame (freim)
(a) ramane - (to) remain / stay (ri-mein / stei)
rampa - ramp (reamp)
ramura - branch / twig (branci / tuig)
rana - wound / injury (und / in-giu-ri)
rapid - fast / quick (feast / cuic)
rar - rare (rer)
rasarit - sunrise (san-raiz)
raspuns - reply / response / answer (ri-plai / ris-pons / an-săr)
(a) rasturna - (to) overthrow / overturn (ovăr-tro / ovăr-tărn)
rata / rata - rate / duck (reit / dac)
rau - river (rivăr)
raza - radius / ray (rei-diăs / rei)
razboi - war (uăr)
real - real / actual (riăl / ac-ciu-ăl)
rechin - shark (şarc)
reclama - advertising / commercial (ad-văr-tai-zing / co-mer-şial)
recompensa - reward (ri-uărd)
(a) reface - (to) restore / rebuild / remake (ristor / ribild / rimeic)
relax / (a) relaxa - relaxation / (to) relax (ri-leacs-eişăn / ri-leacs)
(a) repara - (to) repair / fix (ri-per / fix)
(a) repeta - (to) repeat (ri-pit)
(a) respecta - (to) respect (rispect)
restaurant - restaurant (resto-rant)
(a) retine - (to) retain / detain / withhold / remember (ritein / ditein)
(a) retine - (to) withhold / remember (uit-hold / ri-mem-băr)
(a) reuni - (to) gather (ghea-dăr)
(a) rezerva - (to) reserve / book (rizărv / buc)
(a) rezolva - (to) resolve / solve (rizolv / solv)
rezultat - result (rizălt)
(a) ridica - (to) pick up / raise / elevate / lift (pic up / reiz)
(a) ridica - (to) elevate / lift (ele-veit / lift)
ridiche - radish (readiş)
rinichi - kidney (chidni)
(a) risca - (to) risk (risc)
rival - rival (rai-văl)
roata - wheel (uil)
rochie - dress (dres)
roman - Romanian (ro-me-niăn)
Romania - Romania (ro-me-nia)
rosu - red (red)
rotund - round (raund)
roz - pink (pinc)
rugina - rust (ruast)
ruj - lipstick (lip-stic)
(a) rupe - (to) break (breic)
rusine - shame / disgrace (şeim / dis-greis)
sabie - sword (suărd)
sac - bag (beag)
sacosa - bag (beag)
sacou - jacket (gia-chet)
sacru - sacred (sei-crăd)
sageata - arrow (arou)
Sagetator - Sagittarius (sageteriăs)
sah - chess (ciz)
saisprezece - sixteen (sics-tin)
sala - room / hall (rum / hăl)
salam - salami (salami)
salariu - salary / wage (salări / uei-gi)
salata - salad (sea-lăd)
salt / (a) sari - jump / (to) jump / skip (giamp / schip)
salut / (a) saluta - greeting / (to) greet (gri-ting / grit)
(a) salva - (to) save / rescue (seiv / res-chiu)
salvare - rescue (res-chiu)
sambata - Saturday (sa-tăr-dei)
sampon - shampoo (şampu)
sanatate - health (helt)
sandala - sandal (seandăl)
sange - blood (blad)
sanie - sleigh / sledge (slei / slegi)
sansa - chance (cians)
sant - trench (trenci)
santaj - blackmail (bleac-meil)
sapa / (a) sapa - shovel / (to) dig (şavăl / dig)
saptamana - week (uic)
sapte - seven (sevăn)
saptesprezece - seventeen (sevăn-tin)
sapun - soap (sop)
saracie / sarac - poverty / poor (povărti / pur)
sarbatoare - feast / holiday (fist / holidei)
sare - salt (salt)
sarma - wire (uaiăr)
sarpe - snake / serpent (sneic / săr-pănt)
sase - six (sics)
sat - village (vilăgi)
satelit - satellite (sată-lait)
sau - or (or)
sauna - sauna (sona)
savant - scholar / scientist / scholarly (scu-lar / sa-iăn-tist)
scara - scale / stairs / ladder (scheil / steirs / ladăr)
scaun - chair / seat (cer / sit)
(a) schia - (to) ski (scai)
(a) schimba - (to) change / exchange (ce-ingi / ecs-ce-ingi)
scoala - school (scul)
scop - purpose / aim / goal / objective (păr-păs / eim / gol / obgectiv)
scor - score (scor)
scorpion - scorpion (scor-pion)
scrisoare - letter (letăr)
secret - secret (si-crăt)
secunda - second (se-cănd)
sef - chief / boss (cif / bos)
semn - sign / mark / symbol (sain / marc / sim-băl)
sensibil - sensitive (sen-zi-tiv)
sentiment - feeling (filing)
(a) separa - (to) separate (se-pă-reit)
septembrie - September (sep-tem-băr)
seringa - syringe (si-rin-gi)
sertar - drawer (dro)
sfat - advice / tip / counsel (ădvais / tip / caun-săl)
sfera - sphere (sfer)
si - and (end)
siguranta - safety (seifti)
singur - alone / single (ălon / singăl)
situatie - situation (si-tu-ei-şăn)
slab - weak / skinny (uic / schin)
(a) slabi - (to) weaken / lose weight (uicăn / luz ueit)
soare - sun (san)
soarece / soricel - mouse (maus)
soacra - mother-in-law (madăr-in-lou)
socru - father-in-law (fadăr-in-lou)
solutie - solution (so-lu-şăn)
soparla - lizard (lizărd)
sora - sister (sis-tăr)
sos - sauce (sos)
(a) sosi - (to) arrive (ăraiv)
sot / sotie - husband / wife (haz-bănd / uaif)
spate - back / rear (beac / rir)
special - special (spe-şăl)
spital - hospital (hos-pităl)
spranceana - eyebrow (ai-brau)
sprijin / (a) sprijini - support / (to) support (săport)
spuma - foam (fom)
(a) spune - (to) say / tell (sei / tel)
(a) sta - (to) stay / stand / sit (stei / stend / sit)
stalp - pole (pol)
stanga - left (left)
statie - station (stei-şăn)
statuie - statue (stea-tiu)
stea - star (star)
steag - flag (fleag)
(a) sti - (to) know (cnou)
sticla - glass / bottle (gleas / batăl)
strada - street / alley (strit / ali)
(a) straluci - (to) shine / glow / sparkle (şain / glo / spar-căl)
stres - stress (strit)
strugure - grape (greip)
(a) sublinia - (to) emphasize / underline (em-făsaiz / andăr-lain)
suc - juice (gia-stis)
sud - south (saut)
suferinta - suffering / pain (sa-fring / pein)
sufragerie - living room / dining room (living rum / daining rum)
sunca - ham (heam)
supa - soup (sup)
surpriza - surprise (sur-praiz)
sus - above / up (ăbav / ap)
sutien - bra (bra)
tabel - table (tei-băl)
tabla - sheet / blackboard (şit / bleac-bord)
tablou - painting (pein-ting)
tacut - silent / quiet (sai-lănt / cuaiăt)
(a) taia - (to) cut (cat)
talent / talentat - talent / talented / gifted (tea-lănt / tea-lăntăd)
talpa - sole / base (sol / beis)
tanar - young (iang)
tanc - tank (teanc)
tantar - mosquito (moschito)
tap - goat (gout)
tapet - wallpaper (ual-pei-păr)
tara - country / land (cauntri / leand)
taran - peasant (pe-zănt)
tarm - shore (şor)
tasta - key (chi)
tata - father / pop (fa-dăr / pap)
taur - bull (bul)
tava - tray (trei)
tavan - ceiling (siling)
taxa - tax / duty / fee (teax / diuti / fi)
teafar - okay / safe / safely (o-chei / seif / seifli)
teama - fear (fir)
teatru - theater (tia-tră)
tehnica - technique (tec-nic)
tehnologie - technology (tec-no-lo-gi)
telecomanda - remote (control) (rimote)
telefon - phone / telephone (fon / tele-fon)
telespectator - viewer (viuăr)
televizor - TV / television (ti-vi / tele-vi-jăn)
temperatura - temperature (tem-pe-ciăr)
teren - land / terrain (leand / terein)
(a) termina - (to) finish / complete / end (finiş / complit / end)
tigaie - pan / frying pan (pean / fraing pean)
tigru - tiger (tai-găr)
timbru - stamp (steamp)
timp - time (taim)
toaleta - toilet (toi-lăt)
tot - all / everything (ol / evri-fing)
tractor - tractor (treac-tăr)
traditie - tradition (tra-di-şăn)
(a) trage - (to) drag / pull / fire (dreag / pul / faiăr)
trandafir - rose (roz)
(a) transpira - (to) sweat (suet)
(a) transporta - (to) carry / transport (cheri / trans-port)
treapta - stair / step / stage / level (steir / step / steigi)
(a) trebui - (to) need / must (nid / mast)
trei - three (tri)
treisprezece - thirteen (tăr-tin)
tren - train (trein)
tricou - T-shirt (ti-şărt)
(a) trimite - (to) send (send)
trist / tristete - sad / sadness (sead / seadnăs)
triunghi - triangle (trai-angăl)
tufis - bush (buş)
tunel - tunnel (tanăl)
tunet - thunder (tan-dăr)
ud / (a) uda - wet / (to) wet (uet)
uimit - astonished / surprised (ăstonişd / săr-praizd)
uimire - amazement (ămeiz-mănt)
(a) uimi - (to) amaze / dazzle (ămeiz / dea-zăl)
(a) uita / uitat - (to) forget / forgotten (foghet / fo-gatăn)
ulei - oil (oil)
uleios - oily (oili)
uliu - pigeon hawk (pigiăn houc)
ultimul - last / the last (least)
umar - shoulder (şol-dăr)
umbra - shadow / shade (şa-dou / şeid)
umbrela - umbrella (ămbrela)
umed - wet / moist (uet / moist)
umeras - hanger / clothes hanger (hengăr / cloţ hengăr)
(a) umfla - (to) swell / inflate (suel / infleit)
umor - humor (hiu-măr)
(a) umple - (to) fill (up) (fil)
un - a / an (ă / ăn)
unchi - uncle (ancăl)
unde - where (uer)
undeva - somewhere (sam-uer)
unealta - tool (tul)
uneori - sometimes (sam-taims)
(a) unge - (to) spread / (to) grease (spred / gris)
unghi - angle (engăl)
unghie - nail (neil)
unghiera - nail clippers (neil cli-părs)
unic / unicat - sole / unique (sol / iunic)
uniform - uniform (iuni-form)
unsprezece - eleven (ilevăn)
unt - butter (batăr)
unu / unul / una - one (uan)
ura - hatred / hate (heit-răd / heit)
urat - ugly (agli)
(a) urca - (to) rise / ascend / go up (raiz / ăsend / go ap)
ureche - ear (ir)
(a) urma - (to) follow (falou)
urmas - follower / successor (falouăr / suc-sei-săr)
urs - bear (ber)
usa - door (dor)
(a) usca - (to) dry (drai)
usor - easy / light (izi / lait)
usturoi - garlic (garlic)
utilaj - equipment / machinery (ăcuip-mănt / maşi-nări)
(a) utiliza - (to) use (iuz)
vaca - cow (cau)
val - wave (uev)
valabil - valid (vea-lid)
valabilitate - validity (vea-li-di-ti)
vale - valley (veali)
valiza - suitcase (suit-cheis)
valoare - value / worth (vea-liu / uort)
vama - customs (cas-tăms)
vames - custom officer (cas-tăms ofisăr)
vanata - eggplant (eg-pleant)
vanataie - bruise (bruz)
vanator - hunter (hantăr)
vant - wind (uind)
vanzator - seller (selăr)
vapor - ship (şip)
vapori - vapor / steam (veipar / stim)
var / văr - lime / whitewash / cousin (laim / uait-uăş / ca-zăn)
vara - summer / cousin (samă / ca-zăn)
varf - peak (pic)
varsta - age (eigi)
(a) varui - (to) whitewash (uait-uăş)
varza - cabbage (chea-bă-gi)
vas - vessel / ship (vesăl / şip)
vasla - paddle / oar (peadăl / oor)
vast - vast (veast)
vata - wadding / cotton (uading / catăn)
vaza - vase (vaz)
vechi - old / ancient (old / ein-şănt)
vecin - neighbor (nei-băr)
vedere / (a) vedea - view / sight / (to) see (vi-iu / sait / si)
veioza - table lamp (teibăl leamp)
vena - vein (vein)
(a) veni - (to) come (com)
verde - green (grin)
(a) verifica - (to) check / check out / verify (cec / cec out / ve-ri-fai)
vesel - cheerful / joyful (cir-ful / gi-oi-ful)
vesta - vest (vest)
veverita - squirrel (scue-răl)
viata - life (laif)
vin - wine (uain)
vina - blame / guilt (bleim / ghilt)
(a) vinde - (to) sell (sel)
vineri - Friday (frai-dei)
(a) viziona - (to) watch (uaci)
(a) vizita - (to) visit (vizit)
(a) vizualiza - (to) view / visualize (vi-iu / vi-juă-laiz)
vopsea / (a) vopsi - paint / (to) paint (peint)
(a) vorbi - (to) speak / talk (spic / tălc)
vot / (a) vota - vote / (to) vote (vot)
(a) vrea - (to) want / like (uant / laic)
vreme - weather (uedăr)
vulpe - fox (focs)
vultur - eagle (igăl)
zahar - sugar (şugăr)
zambet / (a) zambi - smile / (to) smile (smail)
zana - fairy (feiri)
zapada - snow (snou)
zaruri - dice (dais)
zarzavat - vegetables (ve-ge-dă-băls)
zavor - latch (laci)
zbor / (a) zbura - flight / (to) fly (flait / fli)
(a) zdrobi - (to) crush (craş)
zebra - zebra (zibra)
zece - ten (ten)
zgarda - dog collar (dog colăr)
(a) zgaria - (to) scratch (screaci)
zgomot - noise (noiz)
zi - day (dei)
ziar - newspaper (niuz-pei-păr)
zid - wall (uăl)
zidar - bricklayer (bric-leiăr)
zori - morning (morning)
zugrav - painter (peintăr)
zvon - rumor (rumor)
Intrebari frecvente
As vrea sa studiez liste mai detaliate ce contin cuvinte care incep cu una din literele K, Q, W, X, Y, dar nu gasesc link-urile catre paginile respective, de ce? In limba romana nu sunt foarte multe cuvinte care sa inceapa cu una din literele K, Q, W, X, Y, iar multe din cuvintele care incep cu aceste litere nu sunt foarte uzuale, prin urmare, nu oferim traduceri in limba engleza pentru cuvintele care incep cu una din aceste litere, de asemenea, nu avem o pagina speciala cu aceste litere.
Invat zi de zi cu voi !